How to Remove TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus?

TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Information:

TROJ_ZBOT.BXW is a dangerous Trojan virus or bot that may pose a high security risk for the affected computer system or its network environment. TROJ_ZBOT.BXW inserts a new startup entry to system registry and may display annoying fake alerts of malware payloads in order to convince victims into purchasing fake security applications. TROJ_ZBOT.BXW has the feature of an identified security threat and you should remove TROJ_ZBOT.BXW once it’s detected.

Manual Removal

Note: If you are not proficient with computer, it’s suggested that you backup your registry before manually removing TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus. And double check the entries that you are going to delete, or your computer can’t work for missing some files.

EXE files you need to delete:

%Application Data%\{random1}\{random}.exe

Registry files you need to delete:


The files you need to delete:

%Application Data%\{random2}\{random}.{3 random alpha character extension name}

%Application Data%\{random1}\{random}.exe


Please, be aware that manual removal of TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus is a cumbersome task and can not always ensure complete removal of the malware, due to the fact that some files might be hidden or may get reanimated automatically afterwards. Moreover, lack of the required skills and even the slightest deviation from the instructions may lead to irreparable system damage. That’s why it’s strongly recommended automatic removal of TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus, which will save your time and enable avoiding any system malfunctions and guarantee the needed result.

Automatic TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Removal:

1. Restart your computer and keep pressing F8 Key before Windows launches. Use the arrow keys to select the “Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then hit ENTER Key to continue.

2. Download TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus RemoverTROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Remover, install it and update its database to the latest. After that, restart your computer so as to make TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Remover fully functional. Repeat Step 1 into Safe Mode and run an Online Scan of your computer so that TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Remover can detect all potential malware in your system.

NOTE: If you have problem installing TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Remover, you can download this correction script, unzip it and then double click to run it. It will correct your registry settings that the virus has modified. Then double click the program and finish the installation.

3. After the Online Scan finishes, click “Details” for the malware detected to make sure that your important data are not infected and removed. Ignore or select the scan result and click “Remove” to remove the threats. Reboot your computer and let TROJ_ZBOT.BXW Virus Remover delete all detected virus.

4. Click to repair your corrupted registry

Why should you need to repair the registry?

As we all know, virus and Trojans modify and destroy system registry and make the computer malfunction so that the computer will not perform normally. Even if the virus and Trojans are removed, the registry is still destroyed or modified, so the computer still has problems. That’s the very reason why you need to repair the registry. At the meanwhile, some virus and Trojans leave some DLL files in the registry and this will cause strange DLL errors and affect the computer performance.

To make your computer run as perfectly as before or much faster than before:
1. Download and install Multi-Awarded Registry Tool.
2. Run a full scan of your registry.
3. Click “Repair Problems” and repair all errors detected.


After these 3 easy steps, your computer will run much faster than before within minutes!

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