Step by Step Remove Win32/BaiduSP Rootkit Virus

Win32/BaiduSP Information:

Win32/BaiduSP is classified as a dangerous rootkit virus which will cause great damage to the infected computer. This harmful virus is spread all around the world. Usually, it takes advantage of your system vulnerabilities to enter your Windows. For instance, it can hide in some legit files like videos or music. Besides, Win32/BaiduSP could be hosted to some free programs that you can download from the Internet for free. Win32/BaiduSP has the ability to bypass your installed security programs. After it accomplishes the intrusion into your PC, it takes actions to attack your web browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. By doing so, Win32/BaiduSP is able to redirect your visits to promote certain programs or other products. This is the main point of Win32/BaiduSP. It always destroys some of your browser files or even processes. Then it modifies your bookmarks, home page as well as search engine. As a result, every time you launch your browser, various ads pop up on your screen to induce you to use and even buy those products. Meanwhile, your machine may get compromised by other computer viruses which could hide in those ads. So to protect your PC and work with it as normal, it is urgent and important to delete Win32/BaiduSP completely in an effective way. You can read this post and get rid of Win32/BaiduSP.

Note: If you are not proficient with computer, it is suggested that you backup your registry before manually removing Win32/BaiduSP Virus. And double check the entries that you are going to delete, or your computer can not work for missing some files.

So it is recommended to remove the virus automatically:

Download Win32/BaiduSP Virus Removal Tool

Win32/BaiduSP Virus Manual Removal

1. Restart your computer and keep pressing F8 Key before Windows launches. Use the arrow keys to select the “Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then hit ENTER Key to continue.

2. Open Task Manager and end the processes of Win32/BaiduSP Virus.

3. Click Start button and click Run

4. Type in regedit and run it.

5. Find and delete the following registry files of Win32/BaiduSP Virus:


HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe

6. Show all hidden files so as to completely delete Win32/BaiduSP Virus.

7. Click View tab and select Show files and folders and save the changes.

8. Search your hard disk and delete the following files Win32/BaiduSP Virus:

%Documents and Settings%All UsersApplication Data[random]

%Documents and Settings%All UsersApplication Data[random][random].mof

%AllUsersProfile%Application Data~random

How to Delete a Virus Manually

Please, be aware that manual removal of Win32/BaiduSP virus is a cumbersome task and can not always ensure complete removal of the malware, due to the fact that some files might be hidden or may get reanimated automatically afterwards. Moreover, lack of the required skills and even the slightest deviation from the instructions may lead to irreparable system damage. That鈥檚 why it is strongly recommended automatic removal of Win32/BaiduSP virus, which will save your time and enable avoiding any system malfunctions and guarantee the needed result.

Automatic Win32/BaiduSP virus Removal:

This Automatic Win32/BaiduSP virus Removal Tool will fast and completely detect and delete all associated malicious components to save your time and hassle.

Download Win32/BaiduSP Virus Removal Tool

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