What Is The Best Antivirus Program To Use That Is Affordable And Good?

I’m looking for the best antivirus program. I want to stay under $60 a year. I was thinking of Eset nod32 or Bitdefender. What antivirus program do you recommend?

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riserric  on January 29th, 2010

ESET NOD32 Antivirus is a good choice,or you could give Avast Professional Edition a thought.
Read about it features here:http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_profess…http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-4-profess…
For ESET NOD32 Antivirus :http://www.eset.com/products/nod32.php

Sky.Ice.  on January 29th, 2010

I use Bitdefender on my laptop and it makes it very slow.
Never had any problems, just performance.
I use Norton on my Mac and that’s brilliant, Norton has one of the fastest processing times…I’ve seen the research, just can’t find the link.
Norton has a range of products to suit what you use your computer for. If you do a lot of gaming, then they have a package designed with that in mind.
I recommend Norton 360 for your PC because it covers all areas of your system. Just getting an antivirus product will leave you exposed to other threats.http://www.buyantivirusfirewallsoftware.…
It might cost a few $ more than $60, however getting a 2 or 3 year subscription will bring the price down dramatically.

S124AB  on January 29th, 2010

Go to pcworld.com & cnet.com & look up security software. They have the editors (experts, hopefully) & readers (amateurs for the most part) reviews & ratings. Go to the library & look this up in “Consumer Reports” they rate security software every year. The last time they recommended a free security suite consisting of Avira anti-virus program, Windows Defender anti-spyware & some anti-spam program which I don’t think is necessary if your email provider has a spam filter. Also use Zone Alarm’s free firewall. Get the free stuff ASAP, if you don’t like it or still want to get something better upgrade to Avira’s premium anti-virus program & keep Windows Defender, it’s not the greatest anti-spyware program but is handy to have.
Read up on this & don’t take my word or anyone else’s without doing some research on your own

Roy  on January 29th, 2010

look at this
you will find any thing you want
but my recommendation is kaspersky (i am using it now)
dont buy it from their website you can find it in amazon for around 26$
((take the full edition which is call INTERNET security
if you ask me about bitdefender >>>it is really heavy and will make pc slow

ss s  on January 29th, 2010

I have nornton antivirus which I think is great!
If anything is trying to get into your computer it dectects and stops it straight away, I have never had a problem!
You may be able to get a months free trial but it’s about £40 for a years protection I think, and when I got mine I could put it onto three computers.

bm  on January 29th, 2010

AnVir Task Manager is an award-winning solution that controls everything running on computer, removes Trojans, speeds up computer, and tweaks Windows
1.Monitor processes, services, startup programs; replace Task Manager
2.Get rid of spyware and viruses that your antivirus missed
3.Enhance and tune up XP, Vista or Windows 7
4.Speed up your PC and Windows startup
You can Free download and see detail here: http://www.kooksoft.com/AnVir-Task-Manag…
I hope this may help you.

Molica  on January 29th, 2010

Avast is the best one out there, it doesn’t mess with anything and does what you want, and it actually gets rid of the viruses.

DayzToNi  on January 29th, 2010

Both Nod32 and Bitdefender are good. I tyed both of them, but now prefer Bitdefender. I bought it several days ago with Christmas discount here:

Bud  on January 29th, 2010

McAfee, there are subscription based services available for a monthly fee of $3. You may find them at http://www.fortifyonline.com/

Krishna K  on January 29th, 2010

kaspersky is a bastard antivirus.
Download AVG/AVAST with Malwarebytes.

Vijay  on January 29th, 2010

If you are willing to pay I would recommend GData.

Jack  on January 29th, 2010

Try Panda Cloud. It has the best detection rate + it is free!

Tonda  on January 29th, 2010

you are right on the spot ESETNOD32 its one the best if not the best…..Norton also…

suckers  on January 29th, 2010

AVG is the best free one.
Avast is a good one but only free for 18 months

Lastie  on January 29th, 2010

kaperski or go to cnet downloads and get avg it works for me

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