Is There An Antivirus Company That Sells Antivirus Which Is Permanent, Meaning I Dont Have To Renew It Yearly?
I don’t want to hear about free antivirus because they are all bs in my opinion. I want an antivirus thing that is permanent. I pay once and lifetime protection. Is that possible?
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Ed G on January 31st, 2010
That won’t happen. Who do you think creates these viruses? The anti-virus people of course. In order for them to keep making money, they need you to need their services. So they pay people to create newer and stronger viruses that require upgrades and such. It’s like a doctor giving you something to keep you sick, so you keep returning to him for another paid doctor visit. Or the auto mechanic who fixes one thing and breaks another to get you to return. The anti-virus people will deny this and blame hackers. But I assure you, they have much more to benefit from viruses than hackers do.