Remove Spyware
Spyware Doctor is a detection, blocking and removal of threats awarded top ratings by independent testing labs and recommended by reviewers worldwide. It’s designed to remove all kinds of threats and infections, including spyware, adware, keyloggers, Trojans, worms, hijackers, Rootkits, password stealers, tracking threats, rogue antispyware and other malware.
Powerful antispyware protection to suit any need
Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks including phishing attempts, scare tactics and silent automatic downloads.
Download Guard checks your downloads against a cloud-based network.
Uses a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive content analysis.
Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.
Browser Guard stops automatic downloads, fake AV and malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
Constant real-time IntelliGuard™ protection monitors for malicious activity involving spyware, tracking cookies, suspicious ActiveX objects, browser hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans and more.
User-friendly interface and the step-by-step wizard make it easy to use.
Securely connecting you to your online world
ThreatFire™ Behavioral Intelligence features technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
Behavior Guard, built on ThreatFire’s patent-pending ActiveDefense technology, intelligently scans and analyzes computer processes to accurately detect and block any malicious activity when you simply add the plug-in.
Smart Updates provide frequent automatic updates to combat the newest malware by silently installing product updates and upgrades that keep you protected without interrupting your online activity.
24/7 Global Malware Research Center constantly tackles the latest threats and implements new technology to quickly combat cybercrime, keeping your online network safe.
Stay protected without the slow down
Provides essential coverage without being slowed down by confusing features.
State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
Step by Step Remove Ebates Moe Money Maker Guide | on September 22nd, 2010
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