Is There Any Type Of Antivirus Program I Can Download To Remove “antivirus Trigger”?

Antivirus trigger is a fake program that can mess up your computer, apparently. At any rate, I’ve downloaded several real antivirus programs but the ones that have the ability to remove antivirus trigger cost around $30.
Does anyone have any experience with antivirus trigger?

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Hello I'm a Mac  on February 19th, 2010

How to remove Fake Software, Spyware, Trojans and Viruses:
Download, install, update and scan your computer with both SuperantiSpyware and Malwarebytes, delete what ever they find, if this fails to completely remove the virus/spyware download then update Avast and run a boot scan (click schedule boot-time scan and restart your PC), all the software below is free and safe to use.
Avast Anti-Virus:…
To protect your PC in the future you need to use anti-virus software and a firewall, id recommend using Avast and Comodo Pro firewall both are very effective and completely free, you should also switch to Firefox 3 if you are browsing with IE as its much safer. (links on my profile)

Soccer Dave Malware Remover  on February 19th, 2010

Yes, you are correct about it being a fake program. if you need to find out more about it or even remove it for free you and read… It gives you the full scoope and removal guide for it.

Bear  on February 19th, 2010

This Will Remove It!
Malwarebytes Anti Malware… FREE EDITION
Run a Quick Scan and Delete All Infections Found

jojoquee  on February 19th, 2010

CCleaner (cleans out caches)
Avast! 4 Home:
now one of these if not all of these should take care of that problem

PrettyBo  on February 19th, 2010

Try this
it’s free
It scans the memory for viruses and you have to tell it if it’s a virus or not.

cuteblue  on February 19th, 2010

Antivirus 2009 (or 2008, or Antivirus XP2009 or dozens of other names – there are many clones of this rogue software) is a piece of malware that infects your computer and constantly pops up notices that you have an infection and you have to buy or update Antivirus 2009. This is a scam to trick you into paying $30 for some useless software. The malware installed when you downloaded something from the web, sometimes masquerading as a video codec or other useful software. It is persistent, and infects a number of Windows files.
It is too clever to just delete it or add/remove it. It may even block your Task Manager and block Internet access to antivirus sites.
First download the following (if the virus is blocking your internet, you may have to download these on another machine and burn to CD or copy to a USB memory stick)
CCleaner (cleans out caches)
Avast! 4 Home:…
Now, start the machine in Safe Mode (hit the F8 function key as the machine boots up, and choose Safe mode)
Turn off System Restore on your machine, but only until you get this fixed – many of these trojans get copied into the System Restore files, which anti-virus programs aren’t allowed to touch and the viruse could reinstall themselves from there. My Computer > Properties > System Restore.
Then run CCleaner (it’ll make scanning faster because it will delete a bunch of temp files and save you from having to scan those.)
Then run Malwarebytes, and clean everything it says.
Then in stall and run Avast – tell Avast to do a boot-scan – click on “schedule boot-scan” – and restart the computer
Let it start and do the Avast boot scan
Then install and run Superantispyware
Then turn System Restore back on.
Now install the antivirus program and antispyware program of your choice to do continuous scanning, and make sure you keep it up to date.
Always keep your Windows, web browser and Java software up to date – frequent patches are released to plug security holes.…

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