Spyware Cease
Spyware Cease is a new but quite effective anti-malware program. It’s designed to remove all kinds of threats and infections, including spyware, adware, keyloggers, Trojans, worms, hijackers, Rootkits, password stealers, tracking threats, rogue antispyware and other malware.
Deep Scan
Spyware Cease offers Online Scan and Full Scan. Online Scan can detect the latest spyware at the very time, and Full Scan can fully check every single file in your system registry and hard drives.
100% Real-Time Guard
Spyware Cease protects your IE browser against homepage hijack, malicious toolbar and plug-ins installation. And it will inform you by displaying a popup on the bottom right of the screen, whenever any program attempts to modify registry so that your PC is always protected against potential threats.
Custom Fix for Specific Malware
When there is a chance that Spyware Cease can’t remove some malware immediately, users can submit the virus sample to Spyware Cease Security Center. And Spyware Cease experts will analyze the sample and design a specific script to remove the malware within 24 hours. This is the unique advantage over other antivirus or antispyware in the market.
Powerfully Remove Spyware
- Adware
- Annoyance
- Browser Helper Object
- Cracking Tool
- Dialer
- Downloader
- Encryption Tool
- Exploit
- Rogue Security Software
- FTP Server
- Hijacker
- Hostile ActiveX
- Key Logger
- Nuker
- Password Cracker
- Phreaking Tool
- Proxy
- SPAM Tool
- Tracking Cookie
- Trojan
- Worm Creation Tool
- Usage Tracks
- P2P
- Mail Bomber
- Phreaking Tool
Repair & Clean
Besides removing malware, Spyware Cease can also protect your privacy by thoroughly cleaning junk files and computer traces, such as temporary files, browser history.
Update Signature Database Every Half Hour
By default, Spyware Cease will automatically update its database every half hour. You can also update it manually. Such a frequent database update can effectively
protect computer from potential threats and users can safely browse websites.
Vulnerability Scanner and Patch
Spyware Cease offers a suite of solutions to determine the configuration of every system service, and then compares the data found with thousands of vulnerabilities in its exiting database. If any potential vulnerability is detected, Spyware Cease will repair it with the latest patch to greatly enhance the security of computer system.
Easy to Use
User-friendly interface and the step-by-step wizard make it easy to use.
Note: if you want to know a complete list of Spyware Cease features, please visit its Official Site: http://www.spywarecease.com. Official Download Link: http://www.spywarecease.com/download.php
Step by Step Remove Yoursecurityplus.com hijacker XP AntiMalware | Spyware Removal Guides on April 20th, 2010
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